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Empower Your Data with Cloudera Data Platform – CDP!

Introduction – Cloudera Data Platform

CDP is a Cloud Big-Data platform. CDP stands for Cloudera Data Platform which is not only designed to run on-premises like Cloudera’s CDH but also a cloud-native technology that supports hybrid and private cloud structures. Data is often considered the fuel that powers enterprise digital transformation. However, companies often struggle with data management which is spread across multi-cloud and hybrid environments. To help its customers overcome these challenges, Cloudera has developed an enterprise data cloud. This CDP is open, supports hybrid and multi-cloud, and is secure.

Cloudera Data Platform

It offers cloud-native services like data warehousing, machine learning, data engineering, data visualization, and many more. There is no other platform like CDP in the market as of date. It provides automatic scaling of resources if the need arises and also suspends the operations when not in need. Cloudera’s CDP provides the same values as its other platforms like CDH or HDP. Some of the companies have already started to move to CDP. What are you waiting for?

There are two CDP versions available:

Cloudera Data Platform – Public Cloud:

Here you have services like data lakes, self-service analytics, and machine learning without the installation or management of the data platform software. These services are managed by Cloudera but unlike other cloud services, all your data is under your control. Some of the CDP Public Cloud services are Data Hub, Data warehouse, Machine learning, data engineering, data visualization, and operational database.

Cloudera Data Platform – Private Cloud:

This service is built for hybrid cloud, connecting on-premises environments to public clouds with consistent security and governance. You can deliver machine learning and data analytics services ten times faster than traditional data management solutions. You can meet the petabyte demand for analytics from the hybrid data architecture, delivering a shorter time to value and supporting critical workloads at scale. You should invest in this platform because it is open source, and ensures continuous and rapid innovation to address evolving business requirements. Some of the CDP Private Cloud services offered are Machine learning, Data warehouse, and traditional workloads.

Empower Your Data with Cloudera Data Platform – CDP

Why Choose Cloudera Data Platform – CDP

Moving towards the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) is a game-changer for your business. CDP is open-source and also ensures that your business requirements are fulfilled in a fast and productive manner. If you are interested in moving from CDH or HDP to CDP, you can check out Cloudera’s resources on CDP. It not only has enough documentation but also a demo, video tour of CDP tutorials, and free CDP training. Plus, there are testimonials from clients who have successfully implemented CDP and are happy with it.


Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) is an advanced cloud big-data solution that helps businesses manage data effectively across multi-cloud and hybrid environments. With its cloud-native services, automatic scaling, and strong security, CDP provides a unique and secure enterprise data cloud experience. Whether on CDP Public Cloud or CDP Private Cloud, organizations can leverage data warehousing, machine learning, and data engineering to drive digital transformation and gain a competitive edge. Moving from CDH or HDP to CDP offers a promising opportunity to tap into the full potential of data for business growth and success.

Cloudera Data Platform Documentation

SQL Database Beginner’s Guide

Article by Harsh Shrivastav

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