Table of Contents
Introduction: VPC Network
VPC Network is Virtual Private Cloud that is secure, and it provides an isolated environment to the user in the public cloud such as the Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure. User can secure their resources and application through the VPC Network.
What is VPC Network?
VPC Network is a secure and isolated infrastructure for user who wants to secure their resources within the public cloud. It provides many features such as subnetting, security groups, routing tables, and network access control lists (ACLs) to enable users to customize their network according to their uses or requirements.
Let’s understand VPC Network by an Example:
Imagine let’s take a hotel with lots of rooms as a “public cloud” and second, take a reserved room as a “virtual private network”. When all rooms are full but the reserved room is still available but only one party can stay there who made the reservation.
Similarly, the Public cloud has a lot of customers who are accessing their computing resources. But VPC Network is one of the networks that have only one user who can access the recourses from a virtual network.
In this diagram, the VPC is connected to the Internet using an Internet Gateway, which allows resources within the VPC to communicate with the outside world. The VPC is divided into two subnets, each with its own set of resources. Subnet 1 has a virtual machine (VM) and a database, while Subnet 2 has a VM and a load balancer. The NAT Gateway is used to allow resources within the VPC to access the internet while remaining hidden from the public internet.
Benefits of VPC Network
VPC Network provides many benefits to the user such as
Secure and Isolated Environments:
VPC Network enables users to create a secure and isolated environment to access their resources and control traffic and security over the network.
In a VPC Network users can customize their networks per their requirements. VPC provides features such as subnetting, routing networks, security groups, and network access control lists (ACLs).
VPC Network is highly scalable, enabling users to add or remove resources as per their requirements without any downtime.
It is a cost-effective solution as users only pay for the resources they use, with no upfront costs or long-term commitments.
VPC Network Key Components
A VPC Network consists of several components, including
Subnets are a range of IP addresses, with using of subnets we can divide the work into different parts and make it private. This means we can divide the part of the network for private use. VPC manage private IP address these IP addresses are not visible publicly.
Security Groups:
In VPC Networks, a security group is a virtual firewall that controls inbound and outbound traffic to instances (virtual machines) or other resources within the VPC. Each security group contains a set of rules that determine which traffic is allowed to pass through and which traffic is blocked. By configuring these rules, users can create a secure network environment for their resources.
Routing Tables:
Routing tables are a key feature of VPC Network that contain an IP address and their correspondence destinations. The routing table is a set of rules that decide how network traffic is routed between the network.
For example, let’s say you have a VPC Network with two subnets, Subnet A and Subnet B, and you want to send traffic from a resource in Subnet A to a resource in Subnet B. The routing table for Subnet A would contain a rule that specifies Subnet B as the destination for traffic destined for resources in Subnet B. When the resource in Subnet A sends out a network packet, the routing table checks the packet’s destination address and directs the packet to Subnet B.
Network Access Control Lists (ACLs):
In a VPC Network, a Network ACL is a virtual firewall that filters traffic based on rules defined by the user. ACLs work at the subnet level and allow users to control both inbound and outbound traffic to and from the resources within that subnet.
In summary, Network ACLs provide an additional layer of security for resources within a VPC Network. By using ACLs, users can create fine-grained control over inbound and outbound traffic to and from their resources. ACLs complement the security groups and provide a comprehensive security solution for resources in the network.

Uses cases: VPC Network?
VPC Network is widely used by organizations across industries for various use cases, such as:
Hosting Web Applications:
VPC Network is best for hosting an application, user can create a VPC Network and subnet with security and ACLs to ensure that the web application can only be accessible by an authorized user.
Big Data Optimized:
VPC Networks can process and analyze big data files or large amounts of data. The user creates a VPC Network with subnets that are optimized or processed for large data. Such as a data warehouse.
High-Performance Computing:
VPC Network gives users high-performance computing power. Users can create a VPC Network with subnets that are optimized for high-performance computing and connect them to on-premises data centers or other cloud providers.
Hybrid Cloud Environment:
The use of VPC Networks to connect on-premises data centers to public cloud providers is an example of a hybrid cloud environment. In a hybrid cloud environment, organizations use a combination of private and public cloud infrastructure to run their applications and store their data. VPC Networks can be used to connect these different environments and enable secure communication between them.
Read more about Cloud Computing
The last line for VPC Network
VPC Network is Virtual Private Cloud that provides secure and isolated environments to users. Users can secure their private data through the VPC Network, and divide workloads and their destination on the network using subnetting. There are benefits to using VPC Network this is secure and isolated, customizable (user can customize their network as per their uses) scalable, and cost-effective (because of having customizable and scalable features). VPC Network has various features such as subnetting, routing tables, security groups, and network access control lists (ACLs). The best cases to apply VPC Network are hosting web applications, big data management, high-performance computing, and a hybrid cloud environment that provides the benefits of both private and public cloud infrastructure.
Click here for: Google Cloud VPC Documentation
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